TLS was last updated
on March 27, 2024.

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Team Scouting Report
(As Of 03/26/2024)
Section - Texas
Area - Houston
League - 2023 Houston Fall League (2021)NA Friday Ladies Day League
Flight - 3.5 Ladies Doubles
Subflight - II
Cinco Ranch West - Wild Cards
League Record: 6 - 1
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Tatiana Borges - 3.51
Cintia Patrianova - 3.37
Stella Horsup - 3.35
Connie Payne - 3.32
Vibeke Ryan - 3.23
Marien Borges - 3.21
Sheila Spratt - 3.20
Kate Olsen - 3.15
Vicki Galloway - 3.14
Alejandra Book - 3.11
Lisa Turner - 3.09
Alyssa Newcomb - 3.07
Monica Vidalon - 3.02
Debbie Corman - 2.86
Betsy Gicquel - 2.80
Linda Van Brunt - 2.57
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D 4D
Linda Van Brunt - 2.57 & Vibeke Ryan - 3.23 1 - 1
Linda Van Brunt - 2.57 & Debbie Corman - 2.86 0 - 1
Linda Van Brunt - 2.57 & Monica Vidalon - 3.02 0 - 1
Linda Van Brunt - 2.57 & Kate Olsen - 3.15 0 - 1
Connie Payne - 3.32 & Alyssa Newcomb - 3.07 1 - 1
Alyssa Newcomb - 3.07 & Vibeke Ryan - 3.23 0 - 1
Alyssa Newcomb - 3.07 & Betsy Gicquel - 2.80 0 - 1
Alyssa Newcomb - 3.07 & Monica Vidalon - 3.02 1 - 0 1 - 0
Alyssa Newcomb - 3.07 & Kate Olsen - 3.15 1 - 0
Lisa Turner - 3.09 & Vibeke Ryan - 3.23 1 - 0
Lisa Turner - 3.09 & Marien Borges - 3.21 2 - 2
Vibeke Ryan - 3.23 & Kate Olsen - 3.15 1 - 0
Betsy Gicquel - 2.80 & Marien Borges - 3.21 1 - 0
Betsy Gicquel - 2.80 & Cintia Patrianova - 3.37 1 - 0
Marien Borges - 3.21 & Tatiana Borges - 3.51 1 - 0
Marien Borges - 3.21 & Sheila Spratt - 3.20 1 - 0
Debbie Corman - 2.86 & Monica Vidalon - 3.02 1 - 0 1 - 0
Vicki Galloway - 3.14 & Kate Olsen - 3.15 1 - 0
Vicki Galloway - 3.14 & Tatiana Borges - 3.51 1 - 0
Vicki Galloway - 3.14 & Sheila Spratt - 3.20 1 - 0 1 - 0 1 - 0
Stella Horsup - 3.35 & Tatiana Borges - 3.51 1 - 0
Stella Horsup - 3.35 & Cintia Patrianova - 3.37 5 - 1
Monica Vidalon - 3.02 & Alejandra Book - 3.11 0 - 1
Tatiana Borges - 3.51 & Alejandra Book - 3.11 0 - 1 1 - 0
Tatiana Borges - 3.51 & Cintia Patrianova - 3.37 1 - 0
New Territory - Slice Girls
League Record: 2 - 6
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Mary Ann Asnaashari - 3.14
Claudia Bravo Becerra - 3.13
Janet Beaver - 3.11
Connie Esposito - 3.05
Robin Ephraim - 3.02
Sheri Dempsey - 2.99
Gail Haisten - 2.99
Monique Abernathy - 2.92
melissa walters - 2.84
Gloria Reddall - 2.80
Jan Jackson - 2.72
Jennifer Blackmer - 2.71
Karen Carothers - 2.45
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D 4D
Robin Ephraim - 3.02 & Connie Esposito - 3.05 0 - 1
Robin Ephraim - 3.02 & Janet Beaver - 3.11 1 - 0 0 - 1
Robin Ephraim - 3.02 & Claudia Bravo Becerra - 3.13 0 - 1
Robin Ephraim - 3.02 & Monique Abernathy - 2.92 0 - 2 1 - 0
Mary Ann Asnaashari - 3.14 & Gloria Reddall - 2.80 0 - 1
Mary Ann Asnaashari - 3.14 & Claudia Bravo Becerra - 3.13 1 - 1
Connie Esposito - 3.05 & melissa walters - 2.84 1 - 3
Karen Carothers - 2.45 & Janet Beaver - 3.11 0 - 1
Gloria Reddall - 2.80 & Jan Jackson - 2.72 0 - 1
Gloria Reddall - 2.80 & Jennifer Blackmer - 2.71 0 - 1
Jan Jackson - 2.72 & Janet Beaver - 3.11 0 - 1
Jan Jackson - 2.72 & Jennifer Blackmer - 2.71 0 - 1
melissa walters - 2.84 & Claudia Bravo Becerra - 3.13 1 - 0
Claudia Bravo Becerra - 3.13 & Jennifer Blackmer - 2.71 1 - 0
Sheri Dempsey - 2.99 & Gloria Reddall - 2.80 1 - 0
Sheri Dempsey - 2.99 & Janet Beaver - 3.11 0 - 2
Sheri Dempsey - 2.99 & Jennifer Blackmer - 2.71 0 - 1
Monique Abernathy - 2.92 & Mary Ann Asnaashari - 3.14 0 - 1
Monique Abernathy - 2.92 & Connie Esposito - 3.05 0 - 1
Monique Abernathy - 2.92 & Janet Beaver - 3.11 0 - 1 1 - 0
Gail Haisten - 2.99 & Mary Ann Asnaashari - 3.14 1 - 2 1 - 0
Gail Haisten - 2.99 & Jan Jackson - 2.72 1 - 2
Royal Oaks - Haute Shots
League Record: 0 - 7
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Rosie Neupert - 3.25
Tiffany Sherrill - 3.09
Marzi Kim - 3.07
Sarah Way - 3.05
Sandy Walker - 2.99
Tanya Suchil - 2.97
Virginia Endecott - 2.91
Isabel Miller - 2.88
Agnes Ho - 2.84
Sharon Maloney - 2.69
Jennifer Williams - 2.69
Viviana Tastard - 2.60
Yvonne Hawley - n/a
Tracy Jarvis - n/a
Kip Hall - n/a
Angela Meloy - n/a
Alejandra Rincon - n/a
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D 4D
Sharon Maloney - 2.69 & Jennifer Williams - 2.69 0 - 1
Sharon Maloney - 2.69 & Viviana Tastard - 2.60 0 - 1 0 - 1
Tracy Jarvis - n/a & Virginia Endecott - 2.91 1 - 0
Tracy Jarvis - n/a & Jennifer Williams - 2.69 0 - 1
Rosie Neupert - 3.25 & Tiffany Sherrill - 3.09 0 - 1
Rosie Neupert - 3.25 & Yvonne Hawley - n/a 0 - 1
Rosie Neupert - 3.25 & Jennifer Williams - 2.69 1 - 0
Rosie Neupert - 3.25 & Marzi Kim - 3.07 1 - 1
Tiffany Sherrill - 3.09 & Kip Hall - n/a 0 - 1
Tiffany Sherrill - 3.09 & Virginia Endecott - 2.91 0 - 1
Sarah Way - 3.05 & Isabel Miller - 2.88 0 - 1
Sarah Way - 3.05 & Alejandra Rincon - n/a 0 - 1
Sarah Way - 3.05 & Jennifer Williams - 2.69 0 - 1
Sarah Way - 3.05 & Marzi Kim - 3.07 0 - 1 1 - 0
Isabel Miller - 2.88 & Jennifer Williams - 2.69 0 - 1
Isabel Miller - 2.88 & Marzi Kim - 3.07 0 - 1 1 - 0
Isabel Miller - 2.88 & Tanya Suchil - 2.97 0 - 1
Isabel Miller - 2.88 & Viviana Tastard - 2.60 0 - 1
Virginia Endecott - 2.91 & Jennifer Williams - 2.69 0 - 1
Yvonne Hawley - n/a & ELLEN LEVY - n/a 0 - 1
Angela Meloy - n/a & Tanya Suchil - 2.97 0 - 1
Alejandra Rincon - n/a & Tanya Suchil - 2.97 0 - 1
Jennifer Williams - 2.69 & Tanya Suchil - 2.97 0 - 1
Jennifer Williams - 2.69 & Viviana Tastard - 2.60 0 - 1
Marzi Kim - 3.07 & Tanya Suchil - 2.97 0 - 1
ELLEN LEVY - n/a & Viviana Tastard - 2.60 0 - 1
Agnes Ho - 2.84 & Tiffany Sherrill - 3.09 0 - 3
Sandy Walker - 2.99 & Tiffany Sherrill - 3.09 1 - 1 1 - 0
Sandy Walker - 2.99 & Sarah Way - 3.05 0 - 1
HCC - Smart Aces
League Record: 2 - 7
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Lacy Price - 3.70
Brooke Zarr - 3.18
Pamela Sanders - 2.96
Laura Weaver - 2.93
Allison Knight - 2.89
ellen Sheedy - 2.84
Elizabeth Anders - 2.84
Kelly McWherter - 2.83
Kathryn Burgher - 2.82
Neal Meyer - 2.78
Allison Harper - 2.70
Melissa Sugulas - 2.69
Jen Cunningham - 2.69
Diana Bridger - 2.60
Nicole Katz - 2.59
Rachael Miclette - n/a
Kristie Kafka - n/a
Ashley Jones - n/a
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D 4D
Pamela Sanders - 2.96 & Lacy Price - 3.70 3 - 0 1 - 0
Pamela Sanders - 2.96 & Brooke Zarr - 3.18 0 - 1
Pamela Sanders - 2.96 & Kelly McWherter - 2.83 0 - 1
Pamela Sanders - 2.96 & Elizabeth Anders - 2.84 0 - 1
Pamela Sanders - 2.96 & Laura Weaver - 2.93 0 - 2
Pamela Sanders - 2.96 & Neal Meyer - 2.78 0 - 1
Brooke Zarr - 3.18 & Laura Weaver - 2.93 1 - 1
Rachael Miclette - n/a & Laura Weaver - 2.93 0 - 1
Kathryn Burgher - 2.82 & Neal Meyer - 2.78 0 - 1
Kathryn Burgher - 2.82 & Allison Harper - 2.70 0 - 1
Allison Knight - 2.89 & Kelly McWherter - 2.83 0 - 1 0 - 1
Allison Knight - 2.89 & Elizabeth Anders - 2.84 0 - 1
Kelly McWherter - 2.83 & Kristie Kafka - n/a 0 - 1 0 - 1
Kelly McWherter - 2.83 & Ashley Jones - n/a 1 - 0
Nicole Katz - 2.59 & Elizabeth Anders - 2.84 0 - 1
Nicole Katz - 2.59 & Ashley Jones - n/a 0 - 1
Nicole Katz - 2.59 & Allison Harper - 2.70 0 - 1
Elizabeth Anders - 2.84 & Allison Harper - 2.70 0 - 1
ellen Sheedy - 2.84 & Neal Meyer - 2.78 0 - 1 3 - 0
ellen Sheedy - 2.84 & Allison Harper - 2.70 0 - 1
ellen Sheedy - 2.84 & Diana Bridger - 2.60 0 - 1
Laura Weaver - 2.93 & Jen Cunningham - 2.69 0 - 1
Ashley Jones - n/a & Diana Bridger - 2.60 0 - 1
Neal Meyer - 2.78 & Jen Cunningham - 2.69 0 - 1
Jen Cunningham - 2.69 & Diana Bridger - 2.60 0 - 1
Allison Harper - 2.70 & Diana Bridger - 2.60 0 - 1
Melissa Sugulas - 2.69 & Diana Bridger - 2.60 0 - 1 0 - 1
Cinco Ranch South - Ace Kickers
League Record: 9 - 1
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Cathy Leonard - 3.51
Kathy M Xia - 3.47
Shihui Shen - 3.43
Sarah Kennedy - 3.38
He Liu - 3.38
Harmeet Kohli - 3.36
Casey Sykes - 3.35
Dawn Sapp - 3.34
Julia Holder - 3.31
MaryAnn Smith - 3.29
Darya Shavandi - 3.28
Sonia Brousseau - 3.27
Rebekah Schumacher - 3.25
Carol Ambrose - 3.22
Lori Peterson - n/a
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D 4D
Rebekah Schumacher - 3.25 & Sarah Kennedy - 3.38 1 - 0 1 - 0
Rebekah Schumacher - 3.25 & MaryAnn Smith - 3.29 0 - 1
Rebekah Schumacher - 3.25 & Darya Shavandi - 3.28 1 - 0
Rebekah Schumacher - 3.25 & Shihui Shen - 3.43 1 - 0
Rebekah Schumacher - 3.25 & Cathy Leonard - 3.51 1 - 0 1 - 0
Carol Ambrose - 3.22 & MaryAnn Smith - 3.29 1 - 0
Carol Ambrose - 3.22 & Casey Sykes - 3.35 0 - 1
Carol Ambrose - 3.22 & Darya Shavandi - 3.28 1 - 0
Carol Ambrose - 3.22 & He Liu - 3.38 1 - 0
Harmeet Kohli - 3.36 & Julia Holder - 3.31 1 - 0
Harmeet Kohli - 3.36 & Dawn Sapp - 3.34 1 - 1 1 - 0
Sarah Kennedy - 3.38 & Cathy Leonard - 3.51 1 - 0
Lori Peterson - n/a & Casey Sykes - 3.35 1 - 0 2 - 0
Julia Holder - 3.31 & Casey Sykes - 3.35 1 - 0 1 - 0
Julia Holder - 3.31 & Sonia Brousseau - 3.27 1 - 0
Julia Holder - 3.31 & Dawn Sapp - 3.34 1 - 0
MaryAnn Smith - 3.29 & Sonia Brousseau - 3.27 1 - 0 1 - 0
MaryAnn Smith - 3.29 & Cathy Leonard - 3.51 1 - 0
Casey Sykes - 3.35 & Dawn Sapp - 3.34 1 - 0
Casey Sykes - 3.35 & Darya Shavandi - 3.28 1 - 0 1 - 0
Kathy M Xia - 3.47 & Shihui Shen - 3.43 3 - 1 2 - 0
Dawn Sapp - 3.34 & He Liu - 3.38 2 - 0
Westside - Overserved
League Record: 5 - 2
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Connie Wong - 3.28
Sheryl Cohen - 3.25
Kristina Van Arsdel - 3.19
Jane Chesterman - 3.19
Tacy Singleterry - 3.18
Tammy Olson - 3.15
Laura Dennett - 3.11
Karen Hellman-Diego - 3.11
Iliana Tommasi-Torrado - 3.11
Marnie Vandenburg - 3.09
Kimberly Wood - 3.08
Lisa Hughes - 3.07
Alicia Halphen - 3.05
Melody Phillips - 2.95
Elizabeth Sweeney - 2.86
Robin Dahmer - 2.75
Lyn Widlaski - 2.63
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D 4D
Connie Wong - 3.28 & Alicia Halphen - 3.05 1 - 0
Connie Wong - 3.28 & Karen Hellman-Diego - 3.11 2 - 0 1 - 1 1 - 1
Lisa Hughes - 3.07 & Alicia Halphen - 3.05 1 - 0
Lisa Hughes - 3.07 & Iliana Tommasi-Torrado - 3.11 0 - 1
Lisa Hughes - 3.07 & Tacy Singleterry - 3.18 3 - 0
Tammy Olson - 3.15 & Melody Phillips - 2.95 0 - 1
Tammy Olson - 3.15 & Kimberly Wood - 3.08 1 - 0 1 - 0
Tammy Olson - 3.15 & Marnie Vandenburg - 3.09 1 - 0
Melody Phillips - 2.95 & Marnie Vandenburg - 3.09 0 - 1
Melody Phillips - 2.95 & Iliana Tommasi-Torrado - 3.11 1 - 0
Melody Phillips - 2.95 & Sheryl Cohen - 3.25 1 - 0
Kimberly Wood - 3.08 & Alicia Halphen - 3.05 1 - 0
Kimberly Wood - 3.08 & Kristina Van Arsdel - 3.19 0 - 1
Alicia Halphen - 3.05 & Marnie Vandenburg - 3.09 1 - 0
Alicia Halphen - 3.05 & Iliana Tommasi-Torrado - 3.11 0 - 1
Alicia Halphen - 3.05 & Kristina Van Arsdel - 3.19 0 - 1 1 - 0
Marnie Vandenburg - 3.09 & Iliana Tommasi-Torrado - 3.11 1 - 0
Marnie Vandenburg - 3.09 & Sheryl Cohen - 3.25 1 - 0
Marnie Vandenburg - 3.09 & Tacy Singleterry - 3.18 0 - 1
Marnie Vandenburg - 3.09 & Robin Dahmer - 2.75 1 - 0
Marnie Vandenburg - 3.09 & Elizabeth Sweeney - 2.86 0 - 1
Karen Hellman-Diego - 3.11 & Iliana Tommasi-Torrado - 3.11 1 - 0
Iliana Tommasi-Torrado - 3.11 & Robin Dahmer - 2.75 0 - 1
Tacy Singleterry - 3.18 & Robin Dahmer - 2.75 0 - 1
Lyn Widlaski - 2.63 & Kristina Van Arsdel - 3.19 1 - 0
Robin Dahmer - 2.75 & Jane Chesterman - 3.19 1 - 0
Robin Dahmer - 2.75 & Laura Dennett - 3.11 1 - 0
Jane Chesterman - 3.19 & Elizabeth Sweeney - 2.86 0 - 1 1 - 0